Thursday, February 28, 2008

We had our first homeschool field trip today...

We went to the Mid-America Science Museum. The kids had a great time. We saw the world's most powerful conical Tesla coil along with some other great exhibits. If you're ever in Hot Springs, Arkansas, it's a fun place to visit. You can read more about it on their site at

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

A little bit about us...

I'm the divorced mom of 5 children; 4 boys & a girl (she's the baby)ages 20, 17, 13, 8 and 7. My oldest is a college sophomore. The next two are in 11th and 7th grade and are attending public school (with some homeschooling thrown in). The youngest two are in 1st and 2nd grade and are currently being homeschooled. Our curriculum is definitely hodge podge. It's a little of this, that and some other stuff thrown in. The primary focus is to strengthen reading, writing, mathematics and logic/critical thinking/reasoning skills. The idea of homeschooling became a reality for us after I decided we needed to move to find better schools. I like the community we live in and we're close to family. My only real problem with our locale is the school system. I had the proverbial last straw incident, completed the necessary paperwork to withdraw my children, and we began homeschooling on December 10, 2007. As you can see, we're still VERY new to it all.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Hope you're enjoying the evolution of our site :)

Things are coming along slowly but surely. I've added some great links. Hope you'll get a chance to check them out. If you'd like to add your blog, links, etc. to our list, please email me at

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Still trying to pull it all together...

I've never really blogged before. It's definitely different than maintaining a web page. Stay tuned...

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Our very first post YAY!

LOL Ok. Maybe I'm a little TOO excited :P Just want to say welcome to our blog. Since we're just getting started, be sure to bookmark us and check back soon. I have some really great information to share but am still trying to get it all together. Thanks again for stopping by!